Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you all so much for being here today. We very much appreciate it. That was great testimony.
I apologize for this. I hate to take away any time for questions, but at this time, Mr. Chair, I would like to move a motion. I did have French and English versions, but unfortunately a couple of words got jumbled up so I'm going to read the motion as a result of that:
That, in light of the recent IPCC report on climate change, the Committee add up to two additional meetings to the study on Clean Growth and Climate Change in Canada: International Leadership, and that department officials be invited to appear in order to provide comments in relation to the said report.
Given the nature of the study we're doing, I think it's important. This is a seminal report that has just been released, a very important report on climate change internationally, and given that this is what our report is all about, I think it would be advisable for us to have these meetings.