I can put my hydro power hat on and take the transmission aspect.
I think we are in a very good position in Canada in terms of exports to the U.S. We are a net exporter, which is not the case on everything we export to the U.S. Actually, 80% of the 40 terawatt hours that we send every year to the U.S. is hydro. We send a lot of clean electricity to the U.S. There are a lot of exchange points throughout the border—some in Manitoba, Quebec, and Ontario, etc.
There are opportunities. I think North America is in a good position to look at its energy mix in general and decarbonize. We're just at the beginning of that conversation. It gets political really quickly, in terms of who's leading on each side of the border. I think it's something that will get more attention in the future and something that Canada already does quite well.