I'll take it first.
Yes, you're giving a reasonable explanation. Those are typically the costs and prices that are bandied about. I guess what I'd hasten to add is that you have to start somewhere. By beginning to put in a price and designing it correctly, hopefully things can get ramped up and it will give enough of the signals.
Part of our problem is that we want to solve everything right from the get-go, before actually taking some meaningful first steps to begin to get us on our way.
You mentioned before how Germany had looked at it for 30 years. I was actually the pen—I was a civil servant at the time—of Canada's first national action program in 1994. The fact is that we have not really come a heck of a lot further in terms of actual implementation since then. I would just like to really see some constructive first steps to take us on our way, instead of trying to provide an overall, comprehensive solution right off the bat in order to make anything happen.
Thank you.