Thank you very much to all of you for kicking off this new topic for us. We appreciate the expertise you've shared, and the information. There is quite a bit that you've been asked to provide in written form; there will be quite a lot coming to us, I hope. We'll be looking forward to it.
We don't have a lot of time with this study; we have the four sessions. Please, if you could, give us that information as fast as possible. It would be most helpful. Again, thanks very much.
Before the committee leaves the table and we close the meeting, I have one issue that I need to talk to people about.
We've been asked, by the Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association to join them on the 17th for a round table on the environment, climate change, and energy panel. The problem is, the only time available is 11:15 until noon. Unfortunately, we are actually doing our report at that time—May 17 is our final report for the sustainable... Oh, I'm sorry; it's the drafting instructions for this one.
I want to give the message that unfortunately none of us will be able to attend, and I didn't want to say that without checking with you. I think everybody is going to want to be here for that day's meeting.
Thank you very much. The meeting is now adjourned.