Under the Paris Agreement, countries can, and indeed are encouraged to, use their land sectors, including their forests, in achieving their emission reduction targets, and Canada is going to do the same. You're right that forest stands have cycles, but we are looking at the entirety of the managed forest, which I think was said earlier is a large area. It's 226 million hectares. We're looking at the entirety of the managed forest and the impacts of human activity on that. We are planning to include that in working towards the 2030 target.
Right now, or for the latest year for which we have information, which is 2016, the managed forest and harvested wood products together were a sink of I think it was 27 megatonnes. What we need to look at is how we can change management practices, how we can use more wood, how we can use wood for bioenergy, how we can do things like reduce the risk from fire, how all of those types of things can increase carbon sequestration and reduce emissions. It's the impacts of those types of actions that we can then use in working towards the 2030 emission reduction target that we have under the Paris Agreement.