The Alberta system was a very early system that led the way for the rest of the country to explore more opportunities. Here in Ontario, when we had a Liberal government, we had a cap-and-trade program that was brought into place. It was brought into place in theory. We had a cap, but unfortunately there was no trade for the agriculture and forestry industries to offer offset solutions.
We're now headed to an Australian-type system. I haven't had a chance to study that system yet to find out if there will be opportunities for revenue in there for us at agriculture and forestry. Again, I have to reiterate, we are at the end of the cycle or at the front end of the cycle or the start of the circle—however you want to describe it—because we buy it retail, we sell it wholesale, and we pay the trucking both ways.
Be careful how you use your language. I accept that there has to be a price on carbon. A carbon tax is destructive to us in resource industries. Cap and trade has to be fully operational with the trade portion, and it will be the least cost-efficient way for us to address things, but if you don't frickin' recognize it at the international level, I don't know why we're wasting airfare to Poland to talk about nothing.