Actually, I just want to congratulate you. The creativity of what you have demonstrated to us today is interesting. That's impressive.
I would like to inform you that, in my constituency, I have set up a circular economy committee. I find it interesting that you have recovered tires, pool filters and other products. You said it's waste, but it's not. It is a residue that has become a raw material for another company. Waste is unusable whereas a residue is recoverable.
A company in my riding makes pastry for pies, but the leftovers are very expensive to dispose of and transport. A farmer on that committee had the intuition to propose to recover the pastry, even if it meant figuring our how it could be processed, instead of transporting it for miles from the factory. He offered to take the pastry home to turn it into food for his animals. It's sort of the same principle, but it's much more [technical difficulties] on your side. The idea is to recycle. You work with elements that already exist.
Around this table, we all agree that we must work in the interests of the environment and take measures to reduce the environmental footprint. I think everyone has to do their part.
You have been creative, you have found solutions and you are doing extraordinary things. Does the solution really lie in a carbon tax?