Personally, I think that on the bioenergy side there's been a lot of recent policy that will make a huge impact. Carbon pricing is one of them. There's another clean fuel standard, including one, the renewable energy, in British Columbia, that will make another one.
I would challenge the committee that right now on the carbon, and I'll call them incentives, it's only on bioenergy. If we put all that wood into a tall wood building, there's no carbon credit, but if I burn it and make a biofuel out of it, we get a carbon credit. I think the long-term play here is to make bioplastics, make biomaterial that lasts for a long time, generation and generation. I think the policies are there for biofuels. You're going to see a significant change in biofuel in Canada.
Personally, I think we should be putting those products in a table like here, and I think that's a gap that's missing right now in the policies at least for the next five years. I think we need to address that.