I got development and use of new products, revolutionize, cultivate, grow cleaner, better use of waste, connectivity, innovation, new technologies, more nutrients, greater yields—all of the great things that I wanted to hear you say. Then you slowed down and you talked about sponging, horticulture and waste utilization.
I want to know if you could extrapolate a bit on sponging because I don't know what that is, and maybe a little on some of the great buzzwords that you used there. You're speaking to all of the members here, who find that fascinating. You lost me a little bit there, until you came to sponging, horticulture and waste utilization.
I came from the municipal side. We talked about waste to energy, but everybody had a different type of waste to energy. Everybody liked to argue about which one was the best technology. Do you find that's the case in some of these things that you're talking about?