I think there are a number of alternatives, many of which are canvassed in the report that was submitted to the committee, “A Blueprint for Federal Action”. CEPA is one tool. We're also looking at things like to what extent can you argue there's a federal role here because of the national concern test on the plastics problem? To what extent can the criminal law power of the federal government be used with new legislation?
There are arguments like that of the academic Chalifour, who has argued that just as federal government has jurisdiction to set national targets for greenhouse gas reductions, similarly, it government would have jurisdiction to set national targets for plastic pollution reduction. We've called for the federal government to take the lead and issue a binding national target of reducing marine plastic pollution by 80% by 2030, for instance.
There are numerous tools, and I don't think I have time to go into all of them, but they're canvassed pretty thoroughly in this report.