Certainly when you start creating high requirements for recycling and the scale starts to increase, your unit costs start to come down, the technologies get more sophisticated and you get more innovation—first in how to recycle it and then in how to bring the cost of recycling down. You're going to get scale efficiencies and you're going to get scale efficiencies in collection.
I think Michael just raised a good point. We shouldn't be taxing plastics and using that to pay someone else to recycle it. Producers should actually operate the collection system so they can optimize that system. They're spending their own money to create organizations that collect this material and then direct it to their recycling partners, which are these recycling facilities. Then they'll start to get the scale that we need. When they start taking three million metric tons and putting it into the recycling system, they'll start to bring those costs down and make them competitive.
There's going to be a hurdle we need to get over. That hurdle really is only going to be overcome when the producers start to reconfigure the recycling system and scale it up.