That takes us to the end of the two rounds of time that we'd scheduled.
We are a bit ahead of schedule. I do want to go into our committee business because there are a few thing that we need to talk about, but does anybody have any last questions? I'm happy to go once around each side if anybody has an unanswered question that we haven't got to yet.
While they're thinking about it, I had a question or a point of clarification. I think Sarah may have raised it before we started.
Question 4 relating to the scale of the ocean plastic problem notes that on average about eight million tonnes of plastic waste enters the oceans from land every year worldwide. Further on, under the same question, it notes that some 150 million tonnes of plastics ends up in the oceans annually.
Those are quite different numbers. I don't know which is the true number or what the sources are. We don't need to know now, unless somebody actually knows what that annual amount is. I was trying to figure out if there was nuance in the material, that if one were perhaps land-based versus rivers-based. What is the magnitude of the problem we're up against?