We should be collaborating closely; that's the number one thing. That's the municipalities, as well as the provinces and federal departments, with the private sector insurance industry, realtors and banks. It gets to that whole-of-society piece that we talked about.
We need to be engaging together, because this is a complex problem. We should first be working together to prioritize infrastructure spending. There is a lot of money out there, but it should be prioritized to the highest risk and most problematic areas. We should be communicating and sharing flood-mapping data much more than we do.
As insurers, we need to do a better job of recognizing disaster mitigation efforts. When municipalities are investing in disaster mitigation, they should be seeing the return on investment from that in terms of the availability of insurance and the pricing of that insurance accordingly.
Those conversations have begun, but frankly, there is a ways to go. We need to do a much better job of it.
I guess it comes down to that we need to be collaborating.