From our perspective, both those goals recognize the intrinsic value of wildlife and our natural areas, so they're aspirational. As somebody mentioned earlier, we need to set strong aspirational goals regardless of science; ethically, we want to be protecting wildlife and habitat.
Some of those goals are targets to shoot for. It's not just a science. I'm a scientist, so I may be shooting myself a bit here, but it isn't just a scientific argument. It's difficult to make the argument, because it varies from place to place, that 50% is absolutely enough. It may not be, it may be, but from a public perception, as an aspiration of what Canada is doing, we need to set those kinds of goals that are likely to achieve good benefits and try to meet them. That's more the kind of messaging we would use with Canadians: that this is a great thing for Canada and for you, and it's going to ensure wildlife for future generations here in our country.