Yes, it wasn't covered in the brief. You're right. The brief focused more on the Oceans Act marine protected areas.
A national marine conservation area is a really important tool. As you know, the southern Strait of Georgia proposed NMCA is under way, and it could move more quickly toward designation. It's a complicated place near a lot of populations and with a lot of overlapping indigenous territories, but it's a very important tool.
I would like to point out that I think we need stronger timelines in that act as well, or in regulations or policy. We have Gwaii Haanas, which is an amazing area, but actually only 3% of that large area is protected right now. There's a committee working on a management plan to try to increase that level of protection. The Haida are saying that at least 30% and probably more like 50% of Gwaii Haanas NMCA should be protected. The act doesn't give us much guidance in that regard.