I think that going forward there are many ways in which we can prepare in terms of mitigating against natural disasters. We know that in Canada right now we spend the most money on flooding. With respect to flood-related disasters, there are many mitigative measures we can put in place in local communities to reduce that and to actually build into that a return on investment in terms of savings.
The example of Manitoba is a very good one in terms of that. Mitigation measures, prevention, and public awareness are all important pieces in order to become a more resilient and sustainable community. That's one example.
Another example would be what we call “building back better”. You can look at Fort McMurray as an example. As they go through this process of rebuilding we're already having conversations with them with respect to how to become more resilient. Things like fire-retardant asphalt in the community and fire-retardant shingles on roofs are community-resilient things that are mitigative in scope and also have an impact in terms of return on investment. There are many things that we can be doing to become more resilient.