I don't have any particular expertise on environmental rights, so I will let Linda Duncan speak to that.
The kinds of recommendations I've made for reforming CEPA would take out the possibility of there being disparate impacts on particular vulnerable communities. This means, as I said before, changing the operative provisions of the act to eliminate those disparate burdens or disproportionate burdens on marginalized communities.
Also, I take Linda's point that in trying to push for some focus on consumer products, we can't forget about the fact that there are industrial emissions that are very important. They are the ones that create what they call “pollution hot spots” that really create environmental justice problems in Canada.
In particular, I believe my recommendation 8, dealing with virtual elimination, is one in which we could try to start to address some substances like dioxins and furans that Canada has made commitments on with respect to the Stockholm Convention, yet still does not take action on to prevent the unintentional release of those substances during industrial processes. That would be another place in implementing those changes to virtual elimination where we could advance environmental justice.