From my read, the review occurred in the early 2000s, and one of the things that was interesting about that review was their engagement and how they went about undertaking the review and summarizing the questions and concerns that they heard.
An important aspect of being involved in a review such as this one is to ensure that you are certainly reaching out to your constituents. That was one of the reasons why I made a point of stating that this is my individual interpretation for your consideration. But in the future, I think it's really quite important that, when making the efforts to consider indigenous views, a specific consultation process be undertaken for that.
From the review that I noted—especially with respect to one of the other witnesses' comments regarding the need to understand the effects not only on local populations but also those who are somewhat removed—when thinking about risk assessment and those sorts of things, we need to make sure that the factors involved are very specific to the populations that require the risk assessment to be done. That was one of the things that came up in the information I've noted to date.