Ms. Morin, we touched a little bit earlier on UNDRIP. This notion of free prior and informed consent has often been used on the environmental assessment side of things, but I'm wondering if there's an application on the way CEPA is applied. There's a bill sitting in Parliament under Mr. Saganash's name to not just sign UNDRIP in New York but to actually bake it into Canadian law as a screen through which we make these decisions.
Would something like the FPIC, the free prior and informed consent, help with some of the challenges we have found in CEPA? This has been a first nations rights and title question to this point under international law now coming home domestically, but that free prior and informed consent seems to me to speak to a much broader question about how we expose Canadians to toxins, for an example. From your perspective in AFN as well—I know you have some connection—do you believe that the actual implementation of UNDRIP into law, not just as a signature, could be helpful in this conversation?