Thank you; I appreciate that.
There have been two documents circulated to committee members in the past several weeks. One document is from the minister, a discussion paper outlining a series of options to consider in relation to CEPA reform, and the second document I believe is from the Department of the Environment, speaking to the committee recommendations from previous reviews that have been implemented. I just want to put on the public record that I invite all participants in this review to analyze these two documents and to provide public input on these. I recognize that's inviting a huge burden on groups, but it's an invitation more than anything else, and I know there will be experts in the field including colleagues of Ms. Scott, who are quite capable of getting really deep into the weeds. That is effectively what these documents do. They are very deep into the weeds, and really that is what our committee is being called to do.
Is it possible for the committee to make these available to each of the witnesses? Is that something...?