They're at least a decade apart. Actually, the Inuvialuit set up the first one ourselves. When I say that I mean we established an MOU with industry not to do any activity within that area because it was a sensitive beluga habitat for their calving and their moulting. So they agreed to that, and the federal government eventually came around to see that it was working between ourselves and industry and began to work with us to develop the criteria for the official recognition and establishment of this MPA for that habitat. It works as well as it can. Our local hunters and trappers committees work with the researchers so that both sciences are documenting and providing data and information to ensure the sustainability of that MPA.
I should point out that, in listening to some of the discussion, there needs to be a recognition of the shoreline erosion that's taking place in my region at the very least and the amount of carbon dioxide, as well as methane gas, that's being emitted into the atmosphere as a result. Across Canada, people don't seem to realize that this massive shoreline erosion is taking place.