What's interesting is that, originally, when CEPA was tabled—and you were probably involved in that, or you were still young then, and I wasn't—there were two rules that the federal minister put in place. One was that you have equal regulation and the other one was that you have an equivalent enforcement compliance policy and strategies. That seems to have gone by the by.
One of the things we just haven't time to look at is that there's a second statute, right? There's the environmental enforcement statute that Jim Prentice enacted. That was always supposed to be part of CEPA. We also have to ask, what are the mechanisms to ensure enforcement and compliance? First of all, you have to regulate, and you have to set the standard.
I remain deeply troubled that the top priority substance, mercury, is still not regulated. I think it shows a serious problem with the statute and the attitudes to the statute.
I think you've all made incredible recommendations. We're going to have real fun trying to put together our report. It's going to be as thick as the statute.
I don't have any more questions. I just want to thank everybody for their incredible testimony.