I do.
The graduate program that we offer in risk at the University of Ottawa has a session on decision-making principles, communication, perception, and regulation. We cover everything. I have 10 principles of risk decision-making that we published. It's in one of the references that I provided with my notes, and that I teach the class.
Precautionary principle is in there, as is risk-based decision-making and benefit risk balancing. Lynda gave the perfect example of a patient-physician relationship where the risks accrue and the benefits accrue to the same individual. It's a natural trade-off of risks and benefits. That's not so much the case for environmental pollutants where I can't think of a whole lot of benefits that we want to trade off for, but we do have environmental justice as one of the 10 principles within there.
I would not be disappointed to see some allusion to environmental justice in the preamble, and maybe some allusion to some other general guidance on how we should make decisions in a fair and equitable way.