Part of the challenge is that it is a significant undertaking, because there is so much data that does get entered into the system.
Where we focus our efforts, currently, is in establishing information available to the officers to guide and inform the work they're doing. We've been doing a lot of work around creating internal portals for staff, so that they have quick access to information to assist them in the execution of their duties and to have quick resource information available for them. That's really an area we've been looking at more, in having information available.
It goes without saying that trying to create something EPA-like is a very significant undertaking, just from the amount of data that would have to be looked at and extrapolated.
The improvements we have been making to what will be called GAVIA, which is the new information management system that will be replacing NEMISIS, are in an effort to also assist us in being able to extrapolate more information with respect to supporting some of the corporate reporting we're required to do and at some point to integrate with some of the intelligence information we gather, and so forth.
We're taking the small steps as we can to try to make improvements, but they definitely take time, and we are focused very much inward-looking, as well, to support the officers with internal portals.