I cut my teeth on acid rain; I was quite young when I was doing that work. I see many similarities between acid rain.... I think it's useful to go back in history and see how things change. Acid rain was an example where the first phase was, there is no problem. The second phase was, there is a problem but it's not our fault. The third phase was, it is a problem, it's our fault, there's nothing much we can do about it.
That's the danger in a lot of environmental work. Often you can go past a certain threshold and then getting the solution is very difficult. That's why I stress the monitoring. I think acid rain in many ways was a relative success story but not a 100% success story. With monitoring, with the proper research, we were able to find a solution and deal with the problem.
I think there are lessons to be learned from acid rain that we can use in many of the other things that CEPA is involved in.