I have a couple of comments.
I think everybody can probably appreciate that with my background and what I've chaired previously, the first one, Will's, is one that I'm most interested in. Is it the highest priority? That's for us to agree.
I would like to see us get to that at some point in the coming weeks. It's not something that has to be done in weeks one, two, and three, but I am hearing some support for that, and I appreciate that.
I do expect that there will be some big files coming to us. When I heard the commissioner talking, and with thirty-plus years in the public service, I was quite supportive of this number three, and it was simply to give closure to the audit process. I hear what you're saying, that the audit happens and then we entrust the departments to enable or to implement what they've heard from the audit. In my experience, I haven't always seen that come full circle, and if there is not a reporting-back piece, then we don't know if it's ever been done until the next audit happens. Given the resources, it may be a decade before the auditor gets back to these ones that have been dealt with, and given what we heard from her, they are very important issues.
My hope was that this would be one we could deal with somewhat quickly just to close the loop on that audit process so that the departments are really obligated to deal with what the auditor said. That's why I was quite happy to see the wording we had all come up with to really bring closure to that audit process. Does it start bending the curve we heard about from Mr. Cullen? No, but I saw this as an achievable one that we could tackle immediately while we're ramping up for these larger discussions that have to happen in society and in government.
To summarize my thoughts, I'd like to see us proceed with number one. It doesn't have to be first, but I'd like to see us get to it. I see merit in two and three. Eventually I do want to deal with the pieces that Mr. Cullen has brought forward. It's just a question of where they fit in, and I think that may be a bit down the road. We're going to have to get to them, but let's just get a couple of fast ones going and get a couple of recommendations out before we get busy with some of the other files that I expect we're going to be dealing with. That's my thinking.