We had agreed to have 10 minutes for committee business. We have about four minutes. I'm going to get right into it, if you don't mind.
We were thinking we were quite pleased that the committee had identified an approach to go forward with.
I want to ask whether the committee is agreeing to have a press release. Normally press releases have been done after a report is finished and we're putting it out there.
I've had a lot of calls from people—I'm sure you may have had some as well—asking what we are going to be doing at the committee. I thought it might be helpful to put out our plan for the next little so that people know what the committee is doing. That's why I was thinking a press release might be useful. It's not anything earth shattering. We don't have a report to present, but we have an identification of what we're going to be tackling in the next several months. I thought it would be helpful to have that out there.
Do I have agreement from the committee that we put that out there as a press release? It's not so much me writing it. It will be done by the clerk and our analysts and then it will come back for agreement. It's not necessarily what I wrote, but whatever we think is appropriate.
Do I have general agreement that a press release could be helpful and that we would ask our staff to help draft something to be brought back to the next meeting?
Mr. Fast