I think it would be a lens that you would add in when you're making decisions or doing assessments under CEPA. I'm not a lawyer, and there are probably many people who are much more expert on this than I am, but I would envision it as another lens through which to view your actions under CEPA. You've done your toxic assessment and then you look at what perhaps your management proposals are for that issue and ask, how does this work in terms of environmental justice? Is this decision going to create inequalities? Is it going to help fix those inequalities?
I think it's an additional lens or a layer that's added in; that's the way I would see it. I also, however, put the suggestion to the committee to dig in on this issue and look around the world to see how it's done. Look at some of the literature out there. There's a lot to draw from. I'm sure you can probably bring in some experts on environmental justice issues and hear from them directly as well, if you're really interested.