I'm surprised that nobody looks at anything, because I think it would have been a good discussion among two or three experts in the departments. No other expenditure throughout the last several years approached anything like that—not roads or bridges. There's a cry now for transit funding and so on, but to fix the city hall under the topic of community energy systems strikes me as calling for a need for somebody to say, “Is this really the best way?” Do we really want to spend the money this way? We'll leave it at that for now.
Now, on the question of flooding and the federal flood plain mapping framework, I think many of us in municipalities have experienced these once-in-a-hundred-year floods. In fact, we've had two or three once-in-a-hundred-year floods in the last five years or so in our municipality. How detailed is this mapping? It seems to me that for flood plains the chance of a flooding occurrence at the municipal level is a fairly small and detailed incident. How would the federal framework relate to municipal issues?