I'm going to move into more of the “federal house in order” piece. I worked in the federal public service for more than three decades and I've seen this idea of demolition by neglect first-hand. I've seen it across departments. In the Treasury Board submission, there were a couple of things here, like the idea of organizations being challenged with conservation of heritage buildings, or this idea of chronic under-recapitalization. The argument that I came up against many times in dealing with departments was the notion that heritage falls outside of the custodians' core program mandates. There were some that were more chronic offenders or abusers of that and I've used it before.
We had invited National Defence here today, but they weren't able to join us. They had the beautiful, FHBRO-rated buildings. The Work Point Barracks in the Victoria area comes to mind. That was demolished, in part, because it had been neglected and was surplus. It was knocked down much to the outcry of the community. There are examples that I am aware of, over three decades, of the federal government losing property.
It's more for the sake of my colleagues, but you had mentioned, Ms. Owens, about how you can revoke authorities of a department head. Has that ever happened?