I'll introduce our guests today. Some are back again, so we're becoming friends.
From the Department of Public Works and Government Services, we have Kevin Radford, assistant deputy minister of real property. We also have Robert A. Wright, and he's the assistant deputy minister of parliamentary precinct. From the office of the comptroller general of Canada, from the Treasury Board, we have Kathleen Owens, assistant comptroller general. She's with the acquired services and assets sector. We have someone who's been before us a few times, even this week, Parks Canada Agency's Genevieve Charrois, director of cultural heritage policies.
Just so that everybody is clear where we are, because we've bounced a little bit between the private member's motion—Mr. Van Loan's bill—we're back to our heritage study to have an opportunity to talk to the departments about some questions that came up in our minds for other departments that are involved in the heritage study that we might not have touched before. We're very interested in your presentations, and then we'll get into questioning.
Who would like to start?
Ms. Owens, the floor is yours. Thank you.