They are very much involved in raising awareness in Canada and promoting the preservation of historic sites. They made a statement supporting this legislation, referring to the tax credit and the accelerated capital cost allowance:
These two tax measures would transform the economic fundamentals for renewing historic places. In the process would create more skilled jobs and generate less carbon than new construction.
I'm using that quote because it talks about using less carbon—in other words, the environmental objectives that you addressed: energy efficiency and restoring these buildings in such a way that they will use less energy. Beyond that, we have the inherent carbon that is within those wood-frame structures, or even concrete or masonry structures, that allows us to continue to use them rather than demolish them and take the debris and put it into a landfill.
Would you agree that the environmental objectives of this tax credit program in and of themselves should provide this committee—this being the environment committee—with serious thought about supporting this bill?