In this amendment, I simply put in a time period. I am totally open, however, to a different time period.
When the commissioner appeared before us on Tuesday, she was very clear that she is struggling with the number of entities she has to review. All of them come in at different times and are prepared in different ways with different frameworks. She said it would be immeasurably helpful to her if all entities had to submit their strategies on the same date.
Right now they can submit them any time within a year, so I am proposing that we amend that clause to give a specified time after the FSDS is tabled in Parliament for when the entities have to submit their strategies. I am totally open to any reasonable time period one might want to put in. I put in six months, but it could be 12 months or eight months. It's whatever people think is reasonable.
She was clear in her testimony that she would like to have the law changed to require all entities to submit their strategies by the same date so that she could compare them.