Thank you very much.
In this amendment, I have made recommendations consistent with the testimony this committee heard in the advance review of the act and testimony we heard since the bill was tabled. All of these had been recommended by renowned experts, and by the committee, frankly.
I have inserted “(j) the principle of adherence to the United Nations Resolution A/RES/70/1”. I put in that language because that has been recommended by the commissioner as recently as our last meeting. She was concerned that we not be vague about what Canada has committed to in sustainable development principles. There are 17 current UN sustainable development goals.
I don't think it's appropriate to list the 17 goals in the bill. The best way to reflect that this is what Canada has said we are committed to is simply to mention the actual UN resolution that Canada has adhered to.
That was actually recommended by the committee. Recommendation 6 stated:
...take into account Canada’s international commitments to sustainable development, including those made under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development...
I have put in the actual wording of that agenda for sustainable development. That's what it's called.
Catherine Pearce from the World Future Council also supported that it reflect all 17 of the goals. Scott Vaughan has just written to us and reiterated that as well. The president of the Canadian Council of International Co-operation has also asked that the bill reflect the entirety.
I have other examples. The committee itself recommended that the full UN resolution be referenced in the bill. That's why I suggest it be added in.