I am not particularly opposed to what he is saying, because I think the part about reasonable expenses makes sense. What troubles me is this, and I've dealt with this for more than 45 years. When you have boards advising the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Natural Resources, and so forth, it is just understood that business advisory bodies receive a per diem. Why would the ones that indigenous people or environmentalists sit on be treated differently?
This is a pretty important advisory group. It really troubles me that we would think.... These are people who aren't going to have the resources to do the work. If you are going to provide constructive advice, you have to spend some time on it. What we are saying is that they should do it on their own time and money.
On a point of principle, I am very troubled with taking away any opportunity for a fair per diem. I just wanted to put that on the record. I don't think it's appropriate. These are the very people who probably don't have the resources to be doing that constructive work to give her good advice.
I'm fine with reasonable expenses, but it troubles me that we are taking out any possibility of a per diem. I think the Treasury Board does set reasonable per diems, as well.