On division is fine. Okey-dokey.
(Clause 6 as amended agreed to on division)
Shall clause 7 carry?
Wait, wait, back me up a bit. Does anybody have anything for clause 7? We didn't get anything earlier. I'm assuming there isn't anything. I want to make sure there isn't something before someone yells at me for not giving them a chance to bring it forward.
Shall clause 7 carry?
(Clause 7 agreed to)
(On clause 8)
We are now at amendment NDP-6 for clause 8.
Oh, sorry. We have a couple of other things that we have to be mindful of. If NDP-6 is adopted, then NDP-7 and LIB-3 cannot be moved. There's a line conflict.
Whichever came in first gets to be done first. You have to make sure you're looking at NDP-7, and look at LIB-3.