Super, thank you.
Madam Chair, we talked a lot about legislation versus policy versus strategy. We've talked about a good plan being effective only if it's enforced. We've all shared almost the same thoughts all around the room in previous meetings and today. We also talked about strengthening the role of the commissioner, and Ms. Pearce mentioned that as well. Mike mentioned, you know, giving her some teeth. We've talked about finding ways to measure success. We've all talked about the goals, the targets, and all the indicators.
I might be off on this, but I believe, Mr. Davies, you mentioned that Wales has their plan. I don't want to put words in your mouth, but I think you might have said it was enshrined in law. Can you clarify that? Are you indicating that what you have in Wales now is somewhat stronger than a policy or a strategy? Notwithstanding the fact that you said it's not a silver bullet, I like what you've done where you've come forward a year before an election and you put the onus on the politicians to have success and enforce those successes.
This is a year old now. Are you seeing any successes, any measurables that you can share with us today? A lot of what you said when you spoke for 10 minutes was very much the same thing we've talked about around this table, and the musings we've had.