I'm happy to come in.
Yes, absolutely. When I heard the analysis and the principles being set out, they absolutely chimed with our experience in terms of what has not worked in Wales up to now and why we put in place this new legislation. I think a lot of those principles are absolutely at the centre of what you need to consider in terms of the revision that you are looking at, and it certainly applies to the approach that we've taken in Wales.
I think a new government coming in Wales—there will be a new government in May—will have to set out very clear milestones against each of those indicators I mentioned in my presentation. They will be held to account against those milestones, against those indicators, or be reported against them, and also they'll have independent audit by the future generations commissioner and the audit office in terms of their performance against them. So, yes, absolutely, it really did chime against our experience.
I just want to add one final point against the previous comments. We're a country that has a history of wealth being generated through the exploitation of our natural resources. We were at the heart of the industrial revolution that sent coal around the world. We know the impact of unfettered economic development, and our commitment to a prosperous Wales is a commitment that is based on an integrated approach of a balance between social justice, the environment, and the economy.