I will go on to the second question, looking at provincial programs for energy efficiency retrofitting of buildings and how federal existing or new programs could further incentivize energy-efficient renovations. You've listed a bunch of them.
Obviously, our view is that our program is the answer, but it's not just vanity or whatever. BOMA BEST is thriving. It's a brand that's poorly known outside the industry, but is a powerhouse inside the industry. We're trying very hard to grow a brand outside so the next time you ask a question of stakeholders, our brand will be there too. We have many thousands more certifications than our quasi-competitors. We are a made-in-Canada answer, and that's unique. We are the only made-in-Canada answer to the question that you're posing, and we're an answer that truly is by the industry, for the industry.
We overhauled our program a couple of years ago. We had over a hundred industry volunteers going through it comma by comma, quibbling over how many points for this question or that question, and really making sure that it meets the needs of the industry that has to run these buildings. I think that's why we've been so successful. We've been so successful, in fact, that we have all this third party data that shows we are driving continuous building efficiency. In fact, our data shows that while building efficiency improves at certification, it actually gets even better at recertification. Again, these are not static entities; these are ongoing challenges.
We're fully integrated with the Energy Star program, which NRCan has licensed from the EPA. We actually just won an RFP from NRCan.
You mentioned net zero, Mr. Hill. We have a net-zero challenge coming up. If there's time, I can talk about that. The objective behind it is to nudge the commercial and institutional industry towards net-zero performance, and we're leveraging our BOMA BEST platform to do that.
As I said before, there are thousands and thousands of buildings, and there's lots of scope for federal buildings to enter the program.