Thank you.
We've heard that 75% of the buildings will be in place when we get to the 2030 targets, 2050 targets, so I was pleased to hear the mention in a number of your comments, particularly from Mr. Mueller, on the idea of recommissioning and deep retrofits. I found it interesting listening to Landmark and what they're doing in the new construction world.
It's this whole dilemma I have about meeting our targets with what we know and what we have right now for codes and technologies. For the retrofits that are needed within that 75% of the existing building stock, will that carry us to where we need to go, or is there more work that needs to be done on the retrofit piece so we're not having to landfill existing buildings and bring in new construction to get us there?
I don't know if anybody has any comments that you want to offer about the existing standards to move us forward for retrofits and the idea of working within the 75% existing stock in order to meet targets. How do we get there? Is it a matter of doing it, or what else is needed to get us there?