Good morning. My name is Mike Giroux. I'm the CEO of the Canadian Wood Council, as you mentioned.
My background is varied, and it includes working in entrepreneurship, building houses using light gauge steel. I've worked in the cement industry, and I've now been in the wood products industry for eight years. I also spent a little time with the National Research Council.
That's a little about me, but now about the Wood Council itself. The Wood Council has one mission but two elements to the mission. The first is to ensure the fair recognition of wood products and building systems in the national codes of Canada. That's very important because what gets recognized gets built. I'll make the point with respect to green sustainability in a minute.
The second area we're engaged in is in the education of the construction sector itself, everybody from architects to engineers to builders to students. We provide tools and software for this clientele.
In doing all that we invest heavily in the codes development process. We are engaged not only in Ottawa with the National Research Council at the model level, but we are also engaged at the provincial levels where these national codes are adapted and adopted. We are also engaged very much in demonstration. We work with both our funding partners and our R and D partners to demonstrate buildings built with wood in this case, and the idea is to de-risk these buildings so they or their elements eventually can be introduced into building codes.
That's what we do. I'm a little worried about some comments about the building code itself. You probably all know this, but developing building codes and the standards related to them is a five-year cycle. It's a long period of time. In the U.S., it's three years.
In doing that, we might say that's an innovation killer. It's arguably not because they focus very much on their core objectives in the code and these need to be protected at all costs. These stand-alone objectives, which all the technical requirements point to, include energy and water use, fire and structural protection and safety, and health and accessibility. You'll notice there is no core objective in there for sustainability, energy, or CO2. These have been discussed but they have been determined to be complicated. It would really take political drive to have them introduced into the codes.
That is my introduction, and I would like to comment on some of the key points here. I'm not necessarily an expert in them.
First, with respect to greenhouse gas emissions, the reductions in the building sector, and how they can be accelerated prior to the next building code, obviously it's too late to get an objective into the code. Second is that public sector leadership is really helpful and it's also necessary. We can look at real property practices within governments at the federal or provincial level. They need to be less prescriptive, more material neutral. They need to go beyond the first costs to consider life-cycle analysis impacts as these are environmental impacts.
In our case, this is important because we not only look at the operational and sequestered nature of our product. We can make any building the same if we want to. In the end, you look at products that can sequester carbon. Concrete is one of them. There are other products where the embodied energy is interesting. If you make your decisions in part based on the embodied energy of the product you end up with reducing immediately the carbon content of that building and it's really important that be considered.
In Quebec there's la charte du bois, and in that policy they look at wood equally. They don't say “choose wood” or anything. They say that you must consider wood equally to other materials. That's very interesting for me and it provides an opportunity, but you shouldn't even have to use the name “wood” in the policy. You should say, “You should be considering all materials.” What's really interesting about the policy is that they go to this next level where they say there should be a carbon metric associated with the policy. Then they introduce the need for a tool that is being developed in Quebec right at this very moment and which is now being partnered in Ontario as well, and will be partnered in B.C.
This tool will help at the LCA life-cycle level to determine the actual carbon metric for those buildings, in particular at the body level now and then operationally later, and should allow proper decision-making. Carbon avoided now has this tendency to accumulate or to be a better story over time, because if you avoid it now it's avoided impacts in the future as well. That said, there's no use having that type of program if you don't monitor and enforce it.
There's another opportunity here and that is to adopt an industrial vision, a vision to where we want to go. If you look at the opportunity, you have existing products, you have new products, and they're going to blend into the buildings of the future. For those buildings of the future we don't have a lot of R and D in that area. We don't do any sort of life-cycle impacts. We have no real idea if these new products, or those new buildings, are an improvement over the last generation of buildings. I think Thomas's group and some of the other programs that we have are starting to lead towards that, but we need to really look at this in terms of an overall vision that includes industrialization in terms of pre-manufacturing of these buildings. That way then that vision can be one of CO2 reductions, or it could be of energy reduction.
At the end of the day it's the environmental impact. The flavour of the day could be water in the future, but when we know what the vision is then industry can go along and follow along in that area. What I find interesting is that once you know that you're going to do this, you can also report on it. You can put out sustainability reports that show that you've improved it and show the audience that you're interested in improving this too, that you've proven this direction.
Retrofits are huge. Like Thomas said, it's probably a bigger market than the new building market in the future. I don't have very much more to add than what Thomas added except perhaps with the carbon taxing that's being considered one of the advantages is that, because it impacts product level and makes some products more expensive than others, as a result of that it might drive a behavioural change. I think that's very interesting, and I would encourage that we continue along that way.
The other thing in the retrofit market is adaptability. At the end, if a new building is not made to be adaptable—you can use the word “durability” in this as well, the longevity of the building—if it's not designed to be adaptable then the costs of the future will be greater. That is an opportunity for building codes.
How could we further accelerate net-zero energy? There's a lot of work being done in that area. What I find very encouraging is that companies like Landmark and others are not only looking towards what we're doing in Canada, but they're looking offshore. I'd like to say that a lot of what we do in terms of our R and D is that we try to invent things here when there's really no necessity for it. In the end we can achieve an awful lot by becoming very expert at adopting and adapting innovation from elsewhere. There is marvellous technology available from Germany, Austria, and offshore that we could bring to Canada.
Those are the points that I'm interested in making today.
Thank you very much for allowing me to speak.