Okay. I don't see diesel generation in the north being phased out in the foreseeable future for many of the reasons you just said. It's the most secure form of maintaining energy in the north and because of the location and climate, security of energy is most important.
Having said that, reducing the amount of diesel may be possible, and I think that's what is happening right now. That's the group they're working on. QEC, the power corp, for example, has some project proposals they're trying to get approval for, using higher efficiency generators that will use less diesel. As I said, many of their generators are close to 50 years old, so they're very inefficient. They're also looking at supplemental solar and wind systems to tie into the diesel generation system. I think that's very promising in lowering diesel use.
From our perspective in terms of the buildings and the people, I think the greatest effect has to do with the general energy efficiency of the envelope, meaning the appliances and LED lights, where a small passive approach makes the most sense.
This whole conversation, I think, is really two conversations, what may be appropriate goals for the south in moving toward the net zero economy, which would be very good, but also I think in the north, it's about trying to establish a good level of energy efficiency. I think it has to be at a lower level than the passive house standard, due to the numerous challenges, which have to do not just the economics of installation, but also the availability of materials, equipment, capacity, and skill sets of people who can install these things and work on them. There are no hardware stores up here.