I'm in a bit of a parks headspace right now after my first hour here, so I have a couple of quick questions for Parks Canada.
On the $27-plus million for natural disasters, it was mentioned in the opening comments that this arose from a lot of the issues in western Canada this year. Is that money that has been spent, or are there still expenditures arising? How confident are you that the $27.3 million and change will cover off the expenses arising from the natural disasters? That's the first one, if you could give a brief comment.
The second one is that I was a bit surprised with the $405,000 transfer for land acquisition. I know there have been some decisions to not transfer the collections from Halifax, and now recently Quebec. I assume we're going ahead with the new collections facility.
I suppose the land needs to be purchased, but is Parks Canada still going with the full-size facility that was envisioned after the DRAP cuts in 2012? What's happening there? As I said, I was surprised that this was still moving on, in light of some recent decisions.