The basis for this particular clause, as I said, comes from the existing Historic Sites and Monuments Board. The wording right now that exists is in a section in the act on page 4. I don't have the numbering for French/English, but it's paragraphs 8(3)(a) and 8(3)(b). The existing phrase is “clerical and stenographic assistance”, and the existing wording is
There may be paid for clerical and stenographic assistance
(a) the sum of seventy-five dollars per year to the chairman of the board; and
(b) the sum of thirty dollars per year to the other members of the Board appointed by the Governor in Council.
I wasn't intending to enter into any sort of discussion in the bill or trying to set any new precedent. I was simply working within it. I believe that the history of it, in speaking to board members, is that many of the board members have been academics over the years. They're often historians and other leaders in the field. That's part of the criteria, the credentials that they bring. It was recognition that they may be doing their own research and other types of academic material in preparing for meetings and being able to debate the merits of nominations that come forward from the public. It was recognition by the government of the day to offset some of those out-of-pocket expenses.
To your question, in the existing bill that I've put, is there a limit? We're saying that it would be an annual allowance, to be fixed by the Governor in Council, in respect of administrative costs that are incurred in the course of performing their duties. It would be up to the Governor in Council to set whatever that limit is. The vision I'm putting forward is not to have it open-ended but to allow the Governor in Council to fix whatever that administrative cost support amount would be.