This was a primary concern I had, in that the indigenous representation could be watered down by being combined into other existing positions. In the subsequent amendments, however, I believe you will see that we've come up with some safeguards to ensure that anybody filling any seat is fully qualified for whatever the requirements are of the position they are filling. I can speak to a couple of examples if you want, either now or when we get to the further amendments.
I will give the example of somebody with a first nations background who is being vetted for whether they have the ability to represent a national first nations lens. They could be an indigenous first nations person living in Saskatchewan, and there could be a point where the Saskatchewan provincial position comes open. While the search for a replacement happens—which can often span months or even into a year or more—this would allow the minister to have that person double-fill a position. They would also have to meet the criterion of being a Saskatchewan resident, but they would be able to do that. The intention would never be to try to double-bank on an ongoing basis, but it would give some flexibility in cases such as the example I have given, to have diverse and qualified representatives fill dual positions from time to time.