I would add to the minister's comments that on all federal lands, including ports, federal authorities will be required to assess the environmental effects of a potential project that is not designated on the project list. They're already required to do that, but now the new act is going to stipulate the types of things they need to look at.
It's also going to require them to provide opportunities for public and indigenous engagement, and to report transparently on the registry what is being done and the follow-up from those assessments.
In addition, as the minister noted, if a project, activity, etc., is on the project list then even if it's on federal land, it will be subject to an assessment by the agency.
My final point would be that even for a non-designated project on the project list any Canadian, or even the federal authority, the port itself, could request the minister to designate the project, and she would be required to provide a response as to her decision related to that request.