In looking at the new process, from what I can see, there are at least three occasions when the minister can extend the timeline by up to 90 days: in the planning phase, in the preparation of the final report, and when referring it or not to cabinet.
It seems that on each of these occasions, the minister can seek cabinet approval to extend further, but I don't see any time limit to these extensions.
The minister may also extend the time it takes to refer a project to a panel. I don't know whether there's a specified time limit on that.
I have several questions coming out of this analysis. What ability does the minister have to extend timelines in the new process? Are there limitations on his or her power to extend them? What is the maximum time that the assessment process can be extended as a result of ministerial discretion? Then ultimately, when does cabinet have the power to extend timelines, and what is the maximum length by which cabinet can extend the time to complete the assessment process?
I think you get my meaning here. I'm trying to understand how timelines can be extended, either by the minister or by cabinet, at what stages, and what that situation looks like.