This is such an exceptional situation that it's difficult to find precedents. That being said, I think it's a very severe sentence, if not severe enough. Moreover, I wouldn't allow myself to express an opinion on the subject. It's important to remember that this is something that's been discussed and has necessarily received the approval of the Crown attorney and subsequently the approval of a judge.
I think the sentences have been fairly severe, however it isn't my role to interfere in matters related to prosecutorial discretion in this regard. It's fine to be concerned about where the money from the fines will be directed, whether it will be directed to targeted projects rather than to Canada's consolidated revenue fund.
Court orders directing funds to a specific project are desirable in the circumstances, and these funds can be used to enhance environmental protection. I think the penalties are likely appropriate in the circumstances, despite the huge discrepancy between the penalties in Canada and the United States. We don't have the same system, and it's difficult to compare and, in fact, I don't think we should.