Yes, and in the VW case, the relevant regulations—and part of this is also a Criminal Code matter too—are essentially federal, and they're not ones that lend themselves to equivalency or administrative agreements. Those mostly relate to things that are physically located in a province, with a pulp and paper mill being the most obvious example, where the inspection functions and effectively the enforcement functions get delegated to a province. In some areas, vehicle emissions and things like that are fundamentally federal jurisdiction through the trade and commerce power, so it's really the federal government's role to be enforcing there.
The concern with the administrative and equivalency agreements—this is one that goes back to to the original CEPA review—is that they are a bit of a black hole in terms of what is happening in the provinces, and they don't apply in all provinces. They only apply in some provinces. We seem to have very little public information about what's happening where those agreements are in place. That said, we're also seeing very little enforcement, period, around the regulations that are generally covered by those agreements. It's principally the pulp and paper ones, historically, more than anything.
We're now seeing a newer set of them coming up around coal-fired electricity and methane from industrial sources. This is where the next round of equivalency agreements is emerging. Again, the same sorts of questions arise about how we're going to know from a federal perspective of what's happening, and that does beg questions of unevenness between provinces about how much enforcement effort actually goes into these areas.