I think that probably the most significant component here.... I'll point to a couple of things. One is, in general, the expectation of enforcement. Again, the United States is very different. The U.S. EPA is much more aggressive around enforcement, not just on the criminal side but on the civil side as well, and you see that in the Volkswagen case. That gets people's attention.
At the provincial level in Canada, particularly in Ontario for example, we have moved quite strongly in the area of officers' and directors' liability and their responsibilities there, which again has been very effective in getting companies to establish internal environmental management systems because that becomes essential to defence. If you're an officer or director, you need to demonstrate that you exercise due diligence. Not only having an environmental management system but actually paying attention to the information that's being generated by it and to what your vice-president of environment, health and safety is saying becomes essential.
A third component that I would point to—again, you see this in places like Germany or California—is to not be static about the rules themselves and the standards but, instead, to operate in an environment of continuous improvement. The expectation is that the standards are not going to stay where they've been for 20 years; it's that, in fact, on a cycle of three or five years, we move upwards. Everybody's expectation is that if the technologies are improving and the practices are improving, then the rules are going to move and become more stringent. If you're a smart operator in this space, you're going to want to start to be more proactive, as well, about what is becoming possible, what sorts of practices and what sort of technology are being used here so that you're not static. We tend to stand with the rules once we've set them and not move them.